YEAR 2003




What you are about to read is a truly very painful story, but only in this way will you be able to fully understand how and why the "LUCA'S HONEY" project was born. 

The Sangiovanni family is today made up of Antonio, Adriana, Pasquale and Andrea, where the two brothers and their father Antonio are responsible for the production, sale and promotion of the Caiazzana table olive.

 Until January 2, 2023, however, there was a further member in the family, the most important, tenacious and decisive one, LUCA SANGIOVANNI. Luca was the older brother of Pasquale and Andrea. 

That day, January 2, while he was working in the company, he ended up in a tragic accident which, unfortunately, led to his death. He loved the life he led, nature, its biodiversity, but above all, his bees. He was a beekeeper for passion and not for work. 

Once the tragic accident occurred, the brothers understood that for Luca to continue living they had to continue what he had started and what he loved doing more than anything else, it was the only way to ensure that he continued to live alongside them. 

So it was that the two decided to continue what Luca had started, giving his name to his project, putting his image on his products and committing himself strongly to their promotion and sale. 

This is how it was born: "LUCA'S HONEY".


Luca was an extremely ambitious boy. Whatever he did, he had to do it in the best possible way. Improving more and more day by day. Always giving your best. In recent years he increasingly dreamed of an empire of bees. 

A gigantic family made up of him, nature, and his bees. He worked hard every single day to increasingly improve what was his passion, work and reason for existing. In fact, his family grew dramatically from year to year. 

Unfortunately, this time, he was unable to reach his goal.


His brother Pasquale, in addition to being involved in the company, has cultivated a strong passion for the production of electronic music for years. 

In the period preceding the day of the tragedy, Pasquale had planned the release of his first album, a release which was then canceled due to the tragic period that passed after the event.

 A few months later Pasquale decided to make some changes to the album, distorting it and dedicating it to his brother. 

The names of the tracks, for example, are some of the names that Luca had given to his hives. Some sounds within the entire album were created and manipulated just as brother Luca would have liked. 

Some harmonies and melodies bring the mind back to the beautiful spring days when the first honey extractions begin. In short, listening to the album is like spending some of the most important moments of Luca's life, right at his side.

 "Yes, it's true, Luca is no longer with us in the form of matter, but he is with us in the form of music and honey" It is only in this way that Luca will be able to live forever at our side and be known and remembered by the whole world.

 Luca's dream was to bring his world into everyone's homes, to bring everyone into his small and big world.


A vinyl disc compose of a 10 tracks